Association of Secretaries & Administrative Professional (ASAP)

What does the ASAP (Brunei) logo mean?

  • Circle

    Means the ribbon spool of a typewriter which is traditionally one of the equipment used by secretaries and administrative professionals. It also symbolizes the world giving members a professional and international status.

  • ASAP (inside spool)

    Means Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals.

  • Paddy Seeds

    Means the nurturing nature of the Association and that members are always in mutual understanding and cooperation as well as having noble character.

  • Pen

    With a pen, knowledge can be successfully achieved.

  • Green Color

    The colour of plants. This means that harmony and cooperation always exist among the members.

  • White Color

    Means purity of thought and contentment among members.

What is the Association of Secretaries & Administrative Professionals (Brunei)?

The Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals (Brunei) is a professional body. It does not indulge in any political activities or engage in trade. It was formed on 21 December 1981 as the Brunei Society of Secretaries prior to a change in name to the current one. The Association enables members to gather together and work towards improving and developing themselves to become better and more efficient in their work, thereby, promoting and upgrading their professional standard to align with the recognized professional standard globally. ASAP (Brunei) is a member of the Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals in Asia Pacific (ASA).

What are the objectives of ASAP (Brunei)?


To uphold and maintain the professional standard of its members.


To promote or encourage any form of education or research for the improvement or development of its members as efficient secretaries and administrative professionals through attending seminars, conferences, etc.


To exchange ideas and information on matters regarding the secretarial and administrative professional among its members.


To familiarize secretaries and administrative professionals with new office technology and work skills.


To organize social gatherings in order to promote and maintain good relationship among its members.


To raise funds for charity.


To promote and organize sporting activities for its members.

Who should join the Association?

Those working or residing in Brunei as personal assistants, secretaries or administrative professionals and those who are engaged in the teaching or research of secretarial science or administrative studies. Males are also welcome as Associate Members but membership is subject to a total of twenty (20) males at any one time.

How do I join the Association?

Applications are to be made on the prescribed application form and returned together with a passport-size photo to the Association.

How much is the Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription?

If I would like to learn more, how can I contact ASAP (Brunei)?

Secretariat Office & Mailing Address:

No 7, Simpang 219, Jalan Jerudong BG3122, Brunei Darussalam
